Reddit Sports Communities Dataset v2.0 (released August 2019) Distributed together with: Jason Shuo Zhang, Chenhao Tan, and Qin Lv. Intergroup Contact in the Wild: Characterizing Language Differences between Intergroup and Single-group Members in NBA-related Discussion Forums. In Proceedings of The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2019. "This is why we play": Characterizing Online Fan Communities of the NBA Teams. In Proceedings of The ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2018. The complete dataset can be found at: The paper and associated materials can be found at: If you use this dataset, please cite @article{zhang+tan+lv:19, author = {Jason Shuo Zhang and Chenhao Tan and Qin Lv}, title = {Intergroup Contact in the Wild: Characterizing Language Differences between Intergroup and Single-group Members in NBA-related Discussion Forums.}, year = {2019}, journal = {Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact.}, number = {CSCW}, volume = {3}, articleno = {193} } @article{zhang+tan+lv:18, author = {Jason Shuo Zhang and Chenhao Tan and Qin Lv}, title = {``This is why we play'': Characterizing Online Fan Communities of the NBA Teams.}, year = {2018}, journal = {Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact.}, number = {CSCW}, volume = {2}, articleno = {197} } ======================================================================== The dataset includes: 1. NBASubReddits_Posts_Json_Season_{season}/ folder consists of Reddit posts of all 30 NBA team's subreddit and /r/NBA in that NBA season. Each file is a jsonlist that contains Reddit posts of an NBA subreddit, named by the corresponding subreddit id. 2. NBASubReddits_Comments_Json_Season_{season}/ folder consists of Reddit comments of all 30 NBA team's subreddit and /r/NBA in that NBA season. Each file is a jsonlist that contains Reddit comments of an NBA subreddit, named by the corresponding subreddit id. 1. NFLSubReddits_Posts_Json_Season_{season}/ folder consists of Reddit posts of all 30 NBA team's subreddit and /r/NFL in that NFL season. Each file is a jsonlist that contains Reddit posts of an NFL subreddit, named by the corresponding subreddit id. 2. NFLSubReddits_Comments_Json_Season_{season}/ folder consists of Reddit comments of all 32 NFL team's subreddit and /r/NFL in that NFL season. Each file is a jsonlist that contains Reddit comments of an NFL subreddit, named by the corresponding subreddit id. If you have any questions, please contact Jason Zhang at